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Practicing Kwanzaa Principles AKA [NGUZO Principles] 365 Days

Nia D Greene • Nov 02, 2023

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For the past fifty-seven years, Kwanzaa has been a cultural holiday celebrated in America from ( December 26-January 1), promoting the Nguzo Saba Principles as theC "Mantra" to unite and strengthen the connections amongst African Americans throughout North America. Many other races and ethnic groups practiced these principles throughout the world the with great fervor and continuity except African  American (black) people.: although the principal name may be different the concept is the same.  The festivities are a celebration of connecting with our ancestors from the diaspora as well as the culture of our ancestors in America. The Nguzo Principles are a rich set of Principles that focus on teaching Black Americans and other people of color to come together and support each other in businesses, develop our own educational institutions,and respect our communities, Kwanzaa is not related or associated with any religion: It is totally related to a celebration of honoring our ancestors and the perseverance of their self-determination to fight for their "Rights" to be recognized as a human being and not the 'property' property ' of their oppressors. The NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES encourage you to unite your family, community, and race; and to make a positive investment in your children so that they will encourage their future children to carry on this practice continuously in the African-American race.  

In 2015, after twenty years of working on this board game concept, I was able to get it professionally manufactured. This was one of the most challenging thing that I've ever done before with the exception of completing the  New York City Marathon in  2000. I am extremely proud of my efforts and commitment to see this project from its inception to the finished point. My inspiration and motivation for creating this KWANZAA (family) board game, titled [KWANZAA-O-RAMA 365 DAYS] : my overall objective was to encourage parent(s) to spend quality & fun time with their children, relatives, and friends, learning the Kwanzaa Principles.  In doing so, this would also be the perfect time to incorporate lessons about our history in America and diaspora,  (killing 2-birds with one stone). In addition, the KWANZAA PRINCIPLES. AKA NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES can serve as a "healing" tool for our race; it can help restore the 'Black Village' which was the center of ancestors' lives. The board game is educational, entertaining, and fun.  Don't take my word, please purchase it and learn for yourself.  This is a unique and "one of a kind" board game.

Please visit my website: {}:  E-mail : Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and for considering purchasing my board game. You will not be disappointed. 

HOTEP  ( At Peace)
Nia Akua DGL

By NIA AKUA D GREENE 16 Sep, 2023
" For my second writing on 'INVESTING IN AFRICAN AMERICAN YOUTHS', I would like to cite a quote from the honorable ancestor, Frederick Douglass: " IT IS EASIER TO BUILD STRONG CHILDREN THAN TO REPAIR BROKEN MEN". His quote fits perfectely with my topic of investing in our youths. Some readers may get this quote instantly while others may struggle with trying to understand its meaning. Basically, the quote is saying that we need to make an investment in our children from the very begining of teir birth. We must nurture their tender hearts, and minds with genuine affections, and not view them as a burden or interference in your life. By investing in our yoths lives at an early stage with consistency not only will we be preparing them to become productive individuals, simulanteoulsly, will be deve;oping their character, confidence and a healthy self-esteem that will allow them to value themselves , their race and community., something that is currently missing in our children, our community and race. The absence of the BLACK VILLAGE has proven that ' IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD'. There are no perfect races in this world, however, the African American race apppear to be lagging far behind other races and ethic groups who apppear to have a closer relationshi0s with their children and extended members than African Americans. this is very obivious in the numbers of shootings and killings of 'black-on-black crime which occur on a daily basis within the Black community; and sadly, it done with nosame of the one's who committ them, and for the parent(s) who allow their child to bring illegal weapons into their apartments. The Africian Americans and other members of the black race should be enraged about on-going "black on black" shootings and killings that has become so prevasive and normalized in our race and community . We have allowed our race to become the laughing stock of the United Snakes of America. Yes, I am aware of other killings in other race (white) who are the most notorious serial killers of all time; having said that, the responsibility rest with the African American community to correct this behavior amongst our youths and adults, starting now. The solution, as I see it is making an early investment in our children during their toddler and pre-K school age. This is done by practicing the old adage 'each one teach one' ; lean a helping hand to a single parent whose working long hours, and appear to have little time to spend teaching her child(s) or helping with homework. Give s/he some tips on communicating with her child minus the shouting, loud-talking or unnecessary physical punishment. If you have some free time on the weekend, volunteer to babysit for a few hours to give the parent a break to catch-up on their rest or house chores without being interrupt by the child(s). Keep in mind that these children development is as much our responsibility as it is the biological parent. IT TAKES A VILLAGE. If the parent cannot make a PTA meeting due to work schedule, and you have a free time, volunteer to stand-in for her (this would mean a great deal to s/he & child). This was the role of the BLACK VILLAGE when it was in operation from the time African Americans were allowed to read and write. Unless, we are willing to contribute to solving the problem , then we (our race) will continue to suffer at the hands of our children, while simulanteously producing children who are unprepared to provide for themselves or for any children they may create. And we can only blame ourselves. This problem is fixable, but it will take a concrete and structure plan. Everyone is capable of contributing something to saving our youths and our race from additional stain and shame. This is 'suppoose' to be a quote from renowned martial artist, Bruce Lee: " INSTEAD OF BUYING YOUR CHILDREN ALL THE THINGS YOU NEVER HAD. YOU SHOULD TEACH THEM ALL THE THINGS YOU WERE NEVER TAUGHT. MATERIAL THINGS WEARS OUT, BUT KNOWLEDGE STAYS". Regardless of who wrote the quote its meaning is quite profound. The best way, in my opinion to instill healthjy values in our children is through first teaching discipline; which is a prequisite for learning anything. Next would be that of teaching PRINCIPLES that will serve as the foundation for developing confidence, courage, healthy self-esteem , committment, and discipline. These are the ingredients necessary to develop a chil into 'well rounded', intelligent and productive individual; combinded with practicing the KWANZAA PRINCIPLES AKA NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES. Please visit my website: positivemindofniartcreations

02 May, 2022
The importasnce of INVESTING IN OUR YOUTHS should not be overlooked; our children are our future, and with the approporiare investment in character development, we will not have anything to look forward to: remember our children are children. they look to the adult of their specific family members to guide them, to love them and above all, to protect and prepare them daily with positive affirmations and principles which will help shape their characters' that will lead to them becoming knowledagble of the many positive contributions made by Black Americans; this will assist in them becoming responsible and productive citizens in their families, race and communities. as adults, we owe this to our children. these are the wishes of many of our ancestors who gave their lives for the many generations after them would be able to abstact the 'wisdom' from such brutual trearment of our ancessors, and to allow their sufferings to remind us that we must "all come together", in the Swahili 'HARAMBEE" (lets come together). Our children are our precious commodity in a positive way. they require that we teach the importance of kindness, honesty and respect for each other. these are the 'norm' in teaching one's child. maintaining a semi-voice tone is key in communicating with children and youths alike. harsh words and loud talking to children creats fear and emotionally disabilities in a child. in addition, it can make the child afraid of you as well. All children require an infinite patience; some more than others. nevertheless, we as adults, must demonstrate patience 90% of the time. As children go through the defvelopmental stages in their lives, we need to be prepared to provide the tools necessary to get them through each stage in the most positive and loving way we can. and remember, adults, it's not about your feelings or emotions: your emotions should take a backseat; consider this a pre-requisite in becoming a parent, be it biological or voluntarily. The HOME is always the child first teacher. from the classroom (home), the child will mimic and behave what is displayed before them..they are children. Demonstrating love, kindness and patience are essential for deloping well-adjusted toddlers into beautiful sprouting and responsible youths with sensitivity for other I will end this blog on this note: REMEMBER AN INVESTMENT IN OUR YOUTHS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE THEM FROM SELF-DESTRUCTION, GIVEN THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE. I will continue to blog about this subject of INVESTING IN OUR YOUTHS. HARAMBEE, Sister, Nia Akua DGL
By Nia D Akua 16 Nov, 2021
Greetings: HARAMBEE means "LETS PULL TOGETHER"! As we approach the holiday season and the ending of year 2021, there is much to be thankful for. And with careful planning for the New Year of 2022, we can achieve whatever we want if we are willing to discipline, stay focus and nurture our goals, daily. For those of you who plan to do big shopping, hopefully, you will remind yourself to be sensible in your spending. I am sure you don't want to start your New Year off in big debt. At least, those are my plans. However, if you have the money to splurge, enjoy yourself. Please consider purchasing my unique and fun family board game, KWANZAA-O-RAMA - 365 DAYS. The game is entertaining, fun, educational and competitive. This board game is a positive way of encouraging black families to spend quality time together learning the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES aka KWANZAA PRINCIPLES. Kwanzaa, is the only way for the Black race to build a strong bond with children, spouse, extended family members and race. It is the key to RESTORING "THE BLACK VILLAGE". As you probably know, the HOME is a child's first teacher . What is learn in the home is carried into society by our children; also, most importantly is that of helping your child(s) develop a positive self-esteem, self-confidence and a non-profanity vocabulary to be used in his communicating with teacher, adults and peers.; the building of character is taught in the home and it serves as an important 'guidepost' to assist in navigating them through the many challenges they will encounter as they develop and evolve throughout life. As a reminder: PARENT(S), WE ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO RAISE OUR CHILDREN; lets do it to the best of our ability the first time around. IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD! The Black village has been long gone and results of its absence is felt throughout the black community. daily shootings and killings involving black-on-black crime. WHY? Why haven't the black communities organized a building and street volunteer patrol. other communities respect and protect where they live as a group of "concerned" tenants or homeowners. Black people there is a tremendous need for you to llo9k at the seriousness of not having a solid STRUCTURE in place for self and for the children that live in that household. each members of that home must contribute something positive to making the home a place of peace, love, family discussions, etc. for it to function as a collective unit. In my opinion, learning and practicing the NGUSO SABA aka KWANZAA PRINCIPLES is a healthy a, wholesome and fun way to start. It will change the energy of the entire family is it is taken serious and made a "priority, daily. please visit my website and read my philosophy & mission statement concerning building a strong family, race, & community. : Please consider purchasing this unique (1-of-a kind) cultural "family" board game. wishing our families, communities, and nation a healthy, safe and thoughtful New Years. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. IMHOTEP, Sista Nia Akua D G L
By websitebuilder 10 Feb, 2017
VOTING AWARENESS: Your vote is as just as important as one's social security in many ways. in that it gives you the power to elect a "genuine" political representative to speak on your behalf as to what your concern and interest are as it relates to your community, public education, available funds for youth programs, and culture. As an Black America, we must develop the habit of voting in all elections (general, local and anything in between). We need to be more conscious of the Power of your vote. In addition to casting your vote, we must also attend your community board meetings where decisions are made about where and who get resources and how much. Anything pertaining to your civic rights should be viewed as critical.
By websitebuilder 10 Feb, 2017
Anyone can make one: For better or worse, anyone can write a blog post about anything they want. Everyone has a voice and the best voices will rise to the top. The writer can show their personality: In blog posts, the writer has more leeway to add in their voice and personality than other types of writing. Blogs are a great form of mass communication: You can help people, learn new things, entertain your audience—the possibilities are endless and amazing. Blogging opens up all of these to a very wide audience. You can make money: Get the right blog going and you can make a lot of money through advertising and sponsored posts. It allows people to craft better thoughts: Instead of reading haphazard, uneducated Facebook statuses, it’s much better to see people’s thought process in a well-written blog post. You can establish a community: Blogging allows you to connect with other individuals who share the same interests. Sharing ideas and opinions within your community helps establish yourself as a thought leader. Good for SEO: Keeping content on your site fresh and relevant, you can use your blog to boost the search engine ranking (SEO) of your site and your business. It brings people back to your site: If your blog is strong enough and updated regularly, people will come back looking for more and bring traffic back to your site as well. It’s free: It costs you a grand total of zero dollars to post to the blog, so if you have something to say, there’s nothing to stop you. You can establish yourself as a thought leader: A blog is a great place for your original thoughts, and it can be a wonderful way to show off your individuality. If people like your ideas, you can become a thought leader in your industry! What else do you love about blogs? Let me know!
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