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My product is a cultural family board game, KWANZAA-O-RAMA [365 DAYS].

The product consists of the following:


* box

* game board

* set of plastic alphabets

* small plastic cup (to hold & shake alpahbets) before tossing onto game board

* 40- second sand timer

* 1 six-sided die (determine order of players)

* 2- Instruction sheets


Game Objective:

The game objective is to learn Kwanazaa Principles, also referred to as "NGUZO SABA Principles" ,and commit them to heart by playing KWANZAA-O-RAMA [365 DAYS] as a family game. This is an ideal way of spend quality family time and learning together. The scoring process of the game is the following:

* point system is 175

* each Kwanzaa word is five-pts each (English & Kiswahli) totaling (10pts); each correct definition is fifteen-pts [25-pts] for total correct principle and definition

* the first person to score 175 points by spelling all the Kwanzaa principles (English & Kiswahili) versions using the alphabets to spell and or write the definitions on paper, wins the game.




* NOTE: There is only 1- set of alphabets in this board game, however,some of the" Kwanzaa [Word Principles] " contained double letters.:for this reason I have revised the game Instructions to keep the integrity of the game remaining educational, fun and competitive.

Here are are some Kwanzaa [word Principles] that can be spelled with with all alphabets ; (UMOJA; UNITY; NIA; PURPOSE; IMANI; FAITH.

* Place alphabets in cup, shake and toss alphabets in center of game board; if the first lletter of Kwanzaa word Principles is revealed in your toss, use it by placing it on board then, complete the spelling of [word Principles] (verbally) or write it.


1. During a player term one can use a letter multiple times to spell any Kwanzaa [word Principles].

2. Kwanzaa Principles are written in (Swahili & English) version; both the [word "Principles] and [definitions]" can be [verbally] stated or {written} when playing game. the reason for this , is that the definitions are long and would take too much time to spell with alphabets, even if there were more than 1-set of alphabets.

3) The "40-second-timer" should not start until all letters are facing upward, after you toss them on game board.

4. Before starting game, determine what the rulesare will be used to play game; will eeryone spell [ Word Principles] oar will they write them or they can do both. If you think more time is neededyou can double the timer for each player.





Have fun playing KWANZAA-O-RAMA [365 DAYS] family board game!
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