
Our Mission and Philosophy





Kwanzaa-O-Rama 365-Days MOVEMENT aka [KORM 365 DAYS], is a LIMITED EDITION BOARD GAME, and a COLLECTIBLE item.  It is an unique game, in that it is the only KWANZAA board game in this format. This board game was created not only for entertainment, but to encourage the African American community, and other family members to embrace the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES: in so doing, it will help the Black community to restore the "Black Village". These principles are not to be viewed as a competition between one's religion or beliefs, but to be used along with other disciplines of yours. NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES are not a form of religion, but an additional 'inspirational' practice which can be used with one's religion to keep your focus on a positive path to achieving your desired goals. The KWANZAA-O-RAMA 365 DAYS board game is an excellent way for parent(s), grandparent(s), caretakers, and other family members to spend quality time, bonding together, while learning the rich value of Nguzo Saba Principles. I believe strongly that  acknowledging the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES and giving you and your children the opportunity to embrace these "rich" principles, can bring mental, and spiritual stability in the home. In addition to home stability, Black people around the globe MINDS, THOUGHT and CONSCIOUNNESS,  will be heightened; they will begin to think with clarity and a deep understanding of their purpose in life. To get what you want from life one must be committed to spiritual growth and development. Spiritual growth is different than religious pursuit. we are born in the SPIRIT: it lives within each of us; however, it requires one to connect to it through one's INTUITION (that subtle voice) who speaks to you quietly.

  The opening quote: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". This is the Philosophy and Mission of [Positive Mind Of Niart Creations MOVEMENT, aka PMONC. PMONC mission is to encourage the Black Communities throughout the globe how to fish (think) for themselves; to consult the SPIRIT within for all the answers; for we carry the solution for any situation that challenge us in life. it only requires one to BELIEVE that the only power that exist is that GOOD, not evil. we have a FREE WILL to think positive thoughts all day. The THOUGHTS which one nurture daily, will take root and produce itself in one's life. therefore, be careful of the THOUGHTS you allow to stay in your mind. THE UNIVERSAL IS MENTAL: meaning that,  "thinking people rule the world, and poor and ignorant people carries the burden. If you want different RESULTS, then one must think different THOUGHTS; THOUGHTS OF POSITIVITY.  

Adopting and practicing the NGUZO SABA Principles as a daily guide (Mantra) in our lives will help bring the family closer together, creating a strong bond of love, respect, trust, understanding, patience and compassion for each other. The importance of  the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES allow us, the Black Community, to be in unison (same page) with each other, and pursuing the same agenda, of UNITY; connecting on this premise will help our race to build a 'MOVEMENT' upon which we can learn to embrace, nurture and understand the importance of family values. Our  ancestors once practiced strong family VALUES amongst people of African decent no matter where they existed. Remember, we are the first people on his planet: we were A CHOSEN PEOPLE;  some of our ancestors lack the WISDOM to see that, thereby, allowing GREED to dominate their thinking to the degree that they sold their people into a life of slavery for the white man's habits of evil.  Africa is the second largest continent on this planet with every mineral and resource needed to fixed or create anything needed to sustain this planet; our history is very rich and extensive. It has been ignored by other races, including the African American race as well. It is the role of the African American community to work as a collective body to Restore the "Black Village" and begin to heal ourselves (spiritually, mentally & emotionally; NO ONE can do this for us, ONLY WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES through connecting to the SPIRIT within and allowing it to give you. not religion, but one's SPIRIT.   Freedom will not come to African American race unless we change our way of thinking and living: when we set our minds on CHANGING OUR CONSCIOUSNESS; that is INVESTING IN SELF AND YOUR FAMILY, then and only then will we be able to enjoy the fruits of our discipline and labor reflected in Pride and Prosperity, something we desperately owe to our future generations.

. All successful groups of people live their lives based on a set of Principles as their guide and foundation to teach themselves, children, and (children, children's) how to value education as a tool and the BENEFITS of INVESTING in self, children and family lead to success, and productive citizens. As Black Americans, we too must follow others' positive behavior, and begin to emulate how other groups work together as a collective family unit; members of  the Black race "must" "change the way we communicate and interact with each other; we don't have to LOVE each other, but we need to RESPECT each other. we must learn to work together for a common cause, the same as the Jewish community do.  Black Americans must become visionaries; devise progressive plans for the next (20-30-years) as done by the Chinese, and Jews. Practicing the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES daily, can become the catalyst to impute  a new mindset for Black people, specially in America; then and only then, can we become our BROTHER AND SISTER KEEPERS. This 'MOVEMENT' IS long over-due. A MOVEMENT is the ACT or PROCESS of moving people or things from one place or position to another.


Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday that was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in September 1965 as an alternative to Black Peoples celebration of Christmas holiday (commercial spending), where the emphasis is totally on creating more debt for families who can least afford it: Kwanzaa is celebrated (December 26 - January 1). Celebrating Kwanzaa is all about bringing families together under a "cultural umbrella" with great emphasis on the NGUZO SABA PRINCIPLES ; with the FAITH of encouraging and building a POSITIVE relationship between Black people around the globe. Like anything in life, it can only be EFFECTIVE if it is practiced on a regular basis.  
We must begin to take charge of our DESTINY in a collective manner; as stated by the ancestor, Frederick Douglass: "A PEOPLE WITHOUT A VISION IS SURE TO PERISH". This is very evident in African Americans at large: let us move from being 'INVISIBLE to becoming INVINCIBLE'. INVEST IN SELF, CHILDREN, FAMILY, RACE AND COMMUNITY.  
RESTORING THE BLACK VILLAGE must become our focus . Please join this MOVEMENT. The "MOVEMENT" is cultivating positive relationship with family, children, elders, race and community. The RESPECT and SUPPORT we demonstrate towards each other will serve as a positive model for our children to emulate in their lives, and pass it on to their children. REMEMBER ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS; ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL! Be an example of what you want to see in your children and grandchildren.

 Please feel free to contact me at any time for further explanation of my spoken words.

Nia Akua D G L

(CEO/Kwanzaa-O-Rama 365- Days)  Board 
1. UMOJA (Unity)- To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

2. Kujichagulia (Self-determination)- To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves instead of being defined, named created for and spoken for by others.

3. Ujima (Collective Work and responsibility)- To build and maintain our community together and make our sister's and brother's problems our problems and to solve them together.

4. Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)- To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

5. Nia (Purpose)- To make our collective vocation the building and developing our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

6. Kuumba (Creativity)- To do always as much as we can in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

7. Imani (Faith)- To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.


                                                                            Dr. Maulana Karenga

                                                                             7 September, 1965

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